Membership procedure

The procedure for joining, withdrawal from or suspension from the Association shall be determined by The Charter and Regulations on Membership in the National Association of Mining Engineers.

Membership in the Association is open to fully capable citizens and legal entities that agree with the subject and objectives of the Association, are willing to comply with the Charter of the Association, have paid the entrance fee, pay membership (periodic) fees and meet the requirements of the Regulations on Membership in the Association and the Code of Mining Engineers.

"PROFESSIONAL mining engineer"
Procedure for awarding the title
“Professional/charTed Mining Engineer”
Fill in:
  • Application for membership
  • Consent for personal data processing
  • Professional profile
  • Career path in the industry*
*The Career path in the industry should clearly state the merits of the candidate. It should be brief but detailed and should focus on the individual's impact and achievements, not just their job responsibilities. It should be accompanied by a detailed CV and may also be supported by information such as: examples of recent conference papers and publications; patents; awards and citations; evidence of raising awareness in the wider community of the science and technology of materials, minerals, mining or some other technical field; details of mentoring activities; and contributions to the local society or some service to the membership.
To be chosen:
2 professional members of the Association who recommend you (if you find it difficult, contact the Association directly), one of whom acts as the main recommending sponsor.
To be certified to Sponsor:
  • Профессиональная анкета;
To be attached:
  • Scan-copy of passport;
  • Scan-diploma of higher education+translation (without grades);
  • Scan of document on academic degree;
  • List of publications (if any)
To be sent:
to the Association's mailbox all scanned documents for preliminary verification by experts. In case of successful verification, proceed to the next stage
A date is set for the interview:
The interview (45-60 minutes) is conducted by two experts of the Association.
A presentation with the main achievements of the candidate is required for the interview.
"CHARTED mining engineer"
Procedure for awarding the title
“young specialist”
To fill out the application
The set of documents also includes a copy of the first page of the passport (Russian or foreign) and a certificate from the place of study.
Once received, the application is formally vetted and a decision on entry is made within ten working days.
Application should be emailed to
Legal entities
Legal entities participate in the activities of the Association through their authorised representatives, an associate member of the Association - a legal entity, may have only one authorised representative.
Admission of legal entities to the Association membership shall be carried out by the Board of the Association. The decision of the Management Board shall be adopted by a simple majority of votes of the Management Board members by open voting on the basis of a written application of the governing body of a legal entity, accompanied by its certificate of registration and Charter certified in the prescribed manner. Legal entities - members of the Association shall be issued a decision of the Management Board of the Association on its admission, approved by the President of the Association
To join, an application on the letterhead of the organisation shall be filled in
Application should be emailed to